an orginial population of a city is 300 000, the population increases 8% every year. How long does it take for the population more than 400 000? Can I write a euqation like this? 400000 = 300000 (1+8%)^n 4/3 = (1+8%)^n then what should be the next step? Or I'm wrong from the beginning?
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上面做法沒錯, 咁我為上面個位再補充一下,比下提點 more than : > at least : => an orginial population of a city is 300 000, the population increases 8% every year. How long does it take for the population more than 400 000? 3 x 10^5 x (1 + 8%)^n > 400000,where n is an integer 1.08^n > 4/3 nlog1.08 > log(4/3) n > log(4/3) / log(1.08) n > 3.738022098 跟住,因為n係整數 所以要4年. it takes 4 years for the population more than 400 000
條式應該係 300000(1+8%)^n > 400000 (1+8%)^n > 4/3 然後兩邊take log (base 10) 咁變成 n log(1.08) > log(4/3) 剩番按下計數機ge過程自己做啦0D7DAC4E6DF60DFA