





有幾條問題唔係太識,希望有人可以幫幫忙1. Calculate the equivalent energy of 1 atomic mass unit2.Calculate the mass defect for the isotope 2He3 in atomic mass units and energy (Joules). 3. Complete the following reactions (identify the elements X,Y,Z and W):92U238 + 0n1 = X+ -1e0 = Y + 2-1e092U235 + 0n1 = 38Sr90 +... 顯示更多 有幾條問題唔係太識,希望有人可以幫幫忙 1. Calculate the equivalent energy of 1 atomic mass unit 2.Calculate the mass defect for the isotope 2He3 in atomic mass units and energy (Joules). 3. Complete the following reactions (identify the elements X,Y,Z and W): 92U238 + 0n1 = X+ -1e0 = Y + 2-1e0 92U235 + 0n1 = 38Sr90 + Z + 30n1 3Li7 + 0n1 = 22He4 + W 2. Use the periodic table of elements to identify the elements with the following atomic numbers: 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 and 89. 3. What is the energy equivalent of 1 lb (0.453 kg) of mass? What is the mass equivalent of the electric energy produced by a 1,000 MW nuclear power plant for an entire year? 4. If four nuclei of 1H1 were to fuse to produces a nucleus of 2He4 mass defect and the corresponding energy released? What is the energy in kJ that would be released from the fusion of 1 kg of hydrogen? 5. What is the mass defect of the nuclei of 3Li6 and 92U238? What is the binding energy per nucleon of these two nuclei and which one of the two isotopes you expect to be more stable? 更新: what do you mean by -1e0 and 30n1 佢條問題係 -1e 跟住0係e既右下角好細個0, 30n1 既0就係n既左下角,好細個0,其實會係點解? 會唔會只係一個log/符號?


(1) atomic mass unit use a (1/12) neutral Carbon12 atom as standard, so use the mass in kg of C12 provided and divide it with 12 and use E=mc^2, energy is that mass time 3E8's square (2)that is to referenceing that He3 atom with respect to C12 atom that you can just divide the exact mass of an C12 atom by 4 so that it is for comparing atom with 3 nucleon and you deduct that with He3's mass, this would give you the difference of mass defect, since He3 should have smaller mass defect, the mass would be higher than 3amu, so would be negative, the absolute value of this would be the mass defect of He3 , use E=mc^2 to convert this into energy in J (3) what do you mean by -1e0 and 30n1 (2)atomic number is proton number, the element with n atomic number = nth element in periodic table , 8 should be oxygen, 13 should be Aluminium, 21 is Sc, 34 is Se, 55 is Cs, 89 is Ac (3)By E=mc^2, 0.453x(3x10^8)^2 1000x10^6/(3x10^8)^2 (4)4xmass of atom of H1-mass of He4, you get mass defect, use E=mc^2 to get energy, you find the (mass of a H1 atom)^-1 to get how many number of H1 atom is equal to 1kg and multiply this with the energy difference you have just calculated (5) (amux6 minus mass of a Li6 atom)/6 (amux238 minus mass of a U238 atom)/238 this give the mass defect per number of nucleon , the larger, the more energy had been released from the formation of that atom, hence the more stable, the answer should be uranium 238 2013-11-20 23:20:06 補充: X= 91Pa239, total nucleon number unchanged=238+1=239, a neutron is decayed into proton and an electron Z=54Xe143, Sr+Z: total nucleon=235+1-3=233, that of Z=233-90=143, atomic number =92-38=54 W=electron e-, on left hand side, total n=7-3+1=5, p=3, 2He4 have 4n and 4p, so one n decay into p+e-


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