





根據統計局的數據本澳的堅尼系數自回歸前的0.43上升至2006年的0.48,而系數愈大代表愈不公平,1為最大(即等於共產主義),澳門較鄰近地區如新加坡0.425、韓國0.316、中國0.447為高。 系數反映本澳貧富懸殊較鄰近地區更嚴重,出現財富分配不平均,特區成立近10年來沒有改善反而倒退,原因來自強橫的博彩業發展,窒息了其他行業發展,令工資及租金成本上漲,搶走人力資源,使經濟無法轉型。對於貧富懸殊差距擴大,情況不可繼續下去,但仍未見政府有效可行的措施出台,我對此感到失望。


According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics of the Gini coefficient from 0.43 before the reunification in 2006 rose to 0.48, while the larger the coefficient on behalf of the more unfair, for a maximum (that is, equal to communism), Macau than in neighboring countries such as Singapore 0.425, 0.316 Korea, China 0.447. This factor reflects the disparity of wealth in Australia is more serious than the adjacent areas, there is the uneven distribution of wealth, the establishment of the SAR over the past 10 years has not improved it back, the reasons for the high-handed from the development of the gaming industry and stifle the development of other industries, wages and rent costs Human resources away, so that the economic transformation can not be. The widening gap between rich and poor, the situation can not continue, but still do not see a viable and effective government measures, I am disappointed 2008-12-12 20:17:05 補充: 我是用「Lingoes靈格斯」 來反釋的,希望能夠幫得到你la!!!!


According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics of the Gini coefficient from 0.43 before the reunification in 2006 rose to 0.48, while the larger the coefficient on behalf of the more unfair, for a maximum (that is, equal to communism), Macau than in neighboring countries such as Singapore 0.425, 0.316 Korea, China 0.447. This factor reflects the disparity of wealth in Australia is more serious than the adjacent areas, there is the uneven distribution of wealth, the establishment of the SAR over the past 10 years has not improved it back, the reasons for the high-handed from the development of the gaming industry and stifle the development of other industries, wages and rent costs Human resources away, so that the economic transformation can not be. The widening gap between rich and poor, the situation can not continue, but still do not see a viable and effective government measures, I am disappointed. ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 希望幫到你!!0D7DAC4E7B8CAAC5

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