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澳門人申請入台証, 申請入台証須知,更多...
本人是一名澳門永久性居民,從未去過台灣,想問在澳門申請入台証應該怎麼辦? 申請入台証要多少錢?要什麼資料?
去呢度睇,或者直接響呢個網頁申請入台證. https://nas.immigration.gov.tw/nasf/ctlr?PRO=PRO_Task01Application 以下係說明及注意事項,你自己睇啦. 圖片參考:https://nas.immigration.gov.tw/nasf/images/topic_01txt.gif Online Application for Entry Permit of HK and Macao Residents 圖片參考:https://nas.immigration.gov.tw/nasf/images/spacer.gif 圖片參考:https://nas.immigration.gov.tw/nasf/images/spacer.gif * 為必須填寫的資料欄位;英文姓名僅接受 A-Z 與空白字元,請勿輸入其他符號。 * 護照號碼與身分證號碼請輸入英文字母(A-Z)或數字(0-9),身分證號碼最多可輸入八位,若您輸入身份證號碼長度為八位,前二位必須是英文字母;若您的護照號碼或身分證號碼有括號或斜線, 請勿輸入括號內的資料或斜線前後數字。 * 領證地點如下:香港中華旅行社、中華旅行社國際機場辦事處、澳門台北經濟文化中心,請擇一前往領證。 * Fill in field: Fill in English name in English alphabet from A – Z. Do not key in other symbols. * Key in Passport No. and ID No. in English alphabet (A – Z) or numerical digits (0 – 9). If your Passport No. or ID No. has a parenthesis, do not key in the parenthesis in the data. * Place of Permit Pick Up as Following: HK Chung Hwa Travel Service, Chung Hwa Travel Service International Airport Office, or Macao Taipei Economic and Cultural Center. 說明: 除澳門居民持有 1999 年前取得之葡萄牙護照外,持有外國護照者不適用網路簽證。 持有有效之中華民國護照者,不需再申請入臺證。 中文資料請以繁體中文(Big5) 填寫。 港澳居民持有效來臺證件、曾經來臺或在港澳出生者,填妥尚餘六個月以上效期護照之基本資料,以個人電腦透過網際網路,連線本專案開放之網路主機即可申請。 經許可後請持「電子收件編號」、「效期六個月以上之護照」及「身分證」至香港中華旅行社、中華旅行社國際機場辦事處或澳門台北經濟文化中心領取臨時入境停留通知單,另繳付港幣五十五元。 臨時入境停留通知單有效期限三個月,可入出境二次,每次停留十四天,效期內已入出境二次者,三個月內可重新申請。 證件遺失者,請以書面說明向香港中華旅行社或澳門台北經濟文化中心重新申請。 領證地點、電話與上班時間: (1) 香港中華旅行社: 地址: 香港金鐘道89號力寶中心第一座4樓 電話: (002-852)25258316 上班時間: 週一~四 08:30 ~ 17:30 週五 09:00 ~ 17:00 (2) 中華旅行社國際機場辦事處: 地址: 香港國際機場離境大廳K段中華旅行社櫃檯 電話: (002-852)22610238 上班時間: 每日 08:00 ~ 20:00 (3) 澳門台北經濟文化中心: 地址: 澳門新口岸宋玉生廣場411-417號皇朝廣場大廈六樓F-K座 電話: (002-853)28306289 上班時間: 週一~五 09:00 ~ 17:00 網路簽證申請初審通過者如逾三過月未領取臨時入境停留通知單,將會自動撤銷,須重新登入資料申請。 無法配合上述時段領證者,請改以落地簽證的方式,至臺灣桃園或高雄國際機場申請臨時入境,有效期限十四天,費用為新台幣二○○元,可入出境一次。 Explanation: Electronic application of Entry permit / visa is not applicable to foreign passport holders, except for Macao residents with Portuguese passport issued before 1999. Entering Taiwan, no Entry permit / visa is required for holders of valid passport of The Republic of China. Fill up Chinese information in traditional Chinese (Big5). HK and Macao Residents holding a valid Entry Permit who had been to Taiwan before or born in HK or Macao should fill up the basic information in their passports valid for more than 6 months, and file their application with their personal computer linking to the open network main system via Internet. Upon approval, bring the "Electronic Receipt No.," "Passport valid for more than 6 months," and "ID" to the HK Chung Hwa Travel Service, Chung Hwa Travel Service International Airport Office, or Macao Taipei Economic and Cultural Center to pick up the temporary entry permit notice and pay a fee of HK$55. The temporary entry permit notice is valid for 3 months, valid for two entries and exits. Duration of stay is 14 days. Those who had been in and out twice within the validity period may file for another application within 3 months. Those who lost their permits should submit a written statement to the HK Chung Hwa Travel Service or Macao Taipei Economic and Cultural Center to re-application. Place of permit pick up and business hour: (1) HK Chung Hwa Travel Service Monday ~ Thursday 08:30 ~ 17:30 Friday 09:00 ~ 17:00 (2) Chung Hwa Travel Service International Airport Office Daily 08:00 ~ 20:00 (3) Macao Taipei Economic and Cultural Center Monday ~ Friday 09:00 ~ 17:00 Those who are unable to coordinate with the above business hour may choose to get a landing visa by applying a temporary visa the CKS International Air Port or Kaohsiung International Airport for a 14 days visa and pay NT$200 for single entry.