


澳洲搵Graphic Designer工作容易嗎?


38歲單身男性,只得Design 既 Certificate,做左20年Graphic Design。 1) 如果想去澳洲搵Graphic Design既工作可以有邊幾種方法?邊一種方法比較容易申請得到? 2) 有諗過搵設計學校讀Design然後用Student Visa過去希望可以到時半工讀。仲有無其他方法又或者呢個方法可行嗎? 3) 澳洲既Graphic Design工作待遇如何?如果以本人既資歴可以搵到幾錢左右? 4) 仲有無其他既問題我係需要考慮或要注意既? 請各方高手盡量幫手詳細俾我資料,真係好迷茫好無助!!! Thanks!!!!!


Work in Austraila, your English is a must, It is diffcult to tell you how much you can get, it depends on your luck. and how you can adopt to the new environment. Frankly speaking, the living standard is higher than Hong Kong. e.g. Public transportation, housing, food etc. but the pay is not so high, average for new immigrant is around A$1500~2000. depends on your ability and your luck. Melbourne http://www.simplyhired.com.au/a/jobs/list/q-Graphic+Designer+-/l-Melbourne%2C+VIC Sydney http://www.simplyhired.com.au/a/jobs/list/q-Graphic+Designer+-/l-Sydney you can post your resume as following (some one does it) http://melbourne.gumtree.com.au/c-Jobs-general-jobs-Graphic-Designer-W0QQAdIdZ107528757 Or you can try one year working tourist visa to Australia to see it is OK for you or not! http://www.immi.gov.au/visitors/working-holiday/417/ 2009-06-28 11:34:12 補充: This visa is for people aged 18 to 30 years of age, who are interested in a working holiday of up to 12 months in Australia.


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