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全英國大學排名 可以告知最up date 既 data 嗎? many thanks~
The Times Good University Guide 2009 (Top 30) 1 Oxford 84% 6.2 11.6 2884 502 98.6 90.1 83.9 1000 2 Cambridge 6.5 12.2 2299 518 97.9 85.4 88.4 950 3 Imperial College 76% 5.8 10.4 3218 473 96 69.1 89.3 865 4 London School of Economics 74% 6.3 12.6 1562 469 96.9 75.2 87.7 818 5 St Andrews 82% 5.3 12.6 1162 446 94.8 83.9 73.7 791 6 Warwick 76% 5.6 13.6 1881 448 96.7 79.4 74.9 775 7 University College London 76% 5.5 9.1 1702 434 94.3 75.1 81.5 767 8 Durham 78% 5.2 15.4 1375 447 96.4 78.8 75.9 760 9 York 77% 5.5 13.1 1313 423 95.2 74.7 70.5 736 10 Bristol 75% 5.2 14.7 1535 430 95.8 78.4 81.5 724 11 King's College London 77% 4.7 11.9 1696 406 93.2 72.1 80.4 715 12 Loughborough 83% 4.3 17.1 1293 361 94 67.4 73.2 709 13 Exeter 81% 4.7 16.8 1183 381 94.8 79.8 68.5 708 14 Leicester 83% 4.5 14.5 1329 360 92.9 69 72.3 706 15 Bath 75% 5.2 16.6 1291 428 95.3 77.3 81 701 16 Nottingham 75% 5 13.8 1390 403 96.2 75.7 76 696 =16 Southampton 79% 5.4 16.3 1479 389 90.7 74.8 71.8 696 18 Edinburgh 73% 5 13.3 1294 430 92.2 79.9 74.9 682 19 Lancaster 78% 5.4 12.7 1227 375 92.5 68.8 60.9 680 20 Newcastle 75% 4.4 14.9 1481 394 92.3 71.1 75.3 657 =20 Glasgow 78% 4.3 13.4 1373 396 85.5 68.4 75 657 22 Sheffield 76% 4.5 14.5 1140 403 92.4 71.9 73.7 650 23 East Anglia 82% 5 17.9 1127 359 91.2 67.5 63 647 24 School of Oriental and African Studies 71% 5.3 10.5 1746 368 84.4 73.4 68 646 25 Birmingham 77% 4.3 15.3 1342 402 92.4 68.4 70.4 643 26 Aberdeen 80% 4 13.5 1168 350 78.8 69.7 76.2 640 27 Manchester 73% 5.1 12.8 1378 412 92.3 70.5 67.4 638 28 Aston 76% 3.9 17.4 1607 351 88.4 65.8 76.4 637 29 Cardiff 77% 4.5 14.3 1085 381 90.1 67.6 73.5 628 30 Royal Holloway 74% 5.2 14.7 1244 361 88.2 66.4 66.9 626 2008-11-18 21:40:24 補充: London School of Economics 全名是 London School of Economics and Politics