我女朋友10月生日, 好想比一個難忘的生日... 有無人可以提供一d浪漫又可以令佢好難忘的方法!? 最好要特別的!! 幾誇張都唔緊要, 但當然價錢方面亦唔好太貴啦.... 大約$500, 高少少都可以接受!! 更新: 唔通所有人都唔識浪漫!!??
我都有同樣的問題呀!!! 但是我係要俾驚喜男朋友, 哈哈哈 我有諗過係條街到, 叫D唔識的人同佢講生日快樂, 錄低係佢生日果日俾佢睇, 而數目呢係要佢生日日期的數, 例如12月20日生日, 23歲, 我會搵123 個人, 或者223個人. 咁樣又唔係好貴, 又有心思又有驚喜, 就係唔知得唔得, 大家又有咩好提議呢????
FIrst of all I wish her happy birthday in advance.Please excuse me I am unable to type in Chinese. Let me take few minutes to answer your question.Not everone can show their romatic to their girlfriend,boyfriend.Wife or husband.Simle they don't know how to express their feeling to them.For example even I am with her now for a year,but sometime I still don't know how to express how much I'm appreciate what she has done to me? In this case you have good amount budget and with your budget you can do a lot already.I would suggest you to do the following,it worked for me,but may not work for you?I still remember how to gave my wife a unforgettable romantic birthday.Let me share it with you,if you don't mind,than you can have some idea from me okay.My wife is a flight attendant.On her birthday,she got home around 7 am,but by that time I already left my home for work.The night before I went to the flower stores,brought her a nice bundle of red rose,birthday cake from the supermarket.From there I wrote her a letter.I let her know how much I love her and when I am by myself at home becuase she is up in the skies and working,how much I miss her?The night when I got home from work,I cooked her a dinner and have a glass of red wine with her too.I would suggest you to learn how to cook now and do your best.2 days before her birthday,call her and let her know you would like to invite her to your home for the dinner.If you can't cook,is okay.It's not your fault,try to find a nice restaurant in your budget to have a nice dinner with her.If the resturant have some great romantic music or jazz music,it would be even better and it's absoultely A+. Concusion for you.Have a great time with her in her birthday.You have my full support,don't be shy.Go for it.Let me give you a great summary steps okay,in case you get confuse. Must do. 1.Take sometime a night and write her a romantic letter.Let her know how much you care about her and love her.You can even say,I thank's lord I can have a wonderful and special lady like you in my life and become my girlfriend.It's up to you what you want to write her in this special romantic letter. 2.Bundle of red rose. 3.Try your best to learn how to cook a nice dinner and cook it for her in her birthday.Invite her to your home for this special birthday dinner,if it's possible.If not,find a nice restaurant to fit your budget and have a great dinner with her.May I suggest you to do this?When the time you find a resaurant to fit your budget,call them and make a reserve for 2. Good luck and have a great time.
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